Thursday, May 29, 2014


1. Use compresses
Following a burn, skin is inflamed. Cool it down with compresses dipped in any of the following substances.
Cold water. Use either plain water from the faucet or add a few ice cubes, says Michael Schreiber, MD. Dip a cloth into the liquid and lay it over the burn. Repeat every few minutes as the cloth warms. Apply several times a day for a total of 10 to 15 minutes each.
Aluminum acetate. If itching is intense, says Thomas Gossel, PhD, RPh, try mixing Domeboro's powder packets (available in drugstores) with water. The aluminum acetate in the powder keeps skin from getting too dry or itchy. Follow package directions.
Witch hazel. Moisten a cloth with witch hazel, says Fredric Haberman, MD. This incredible astringent has been shown to have long-lasting anti-inflammatory relief. Apply often for temporary relief. For smaller areas, dip cotton balls into the liquid and gently wipe on.
SMART TIP: You can also direct a fan on the area to heighten cooling.
2. Apply these foods
Common kitchen staples can be great sunburn soothers.
Oatmeal. Wrap dry oatmeal in cheesecloth or gauze. Run cool water through it. Discard the oatmeal and soak compresses in the liquid. Apply every 2 to 4 hours.
Fat-free milk. Mix 1 cup fat-free milk with 4 cups water, then add a few ice cubes. Apply compresses for 15 to 20 minutes; repeat every 2 to 4 hours.
Cornstarch. Add enough water to cornstarch to make a paste. Apply directly to the sunburn.
Lettuce. Boil lettuce leaves in water. Strain, then let the liquid cool several hours in the refrigerator. Dip cotton balls into the liquid and gently press or wipe onto irritated skin.
Yogurt. Apply yogurt to all sunburned areas. Rinse off in a cool shower, then gently pat skin dry.
Tea bags. If your eyelids are burned, apply tea bags soaked in cool water to decrease swelling and help relieve pain. Tea has tannic acid, which seems to ease sunburn pain.
3. Avoid soap
Don't make it worse! Soap can dry and irritate burned skin.
Do not soak in soapy water. Likewise, stay away from bubble baths. If you must use soap, says Dr. Gossel, use only a mild brand and rinse it off very well. What you can do is take a cool bath, as an alternative to compresses. Add more water as needed to keep the temperature cool. Afterward, gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Do not rub your skin, or you'll irritate it further. You can also add one of the following to reduce pain, itching, and inflammation.
Vinegar. Mix 1 cup of white or apple cider vinegar into a tub of cool water, says Carl Korn, M.D. A great astringent, it soothes sunburn pain.
Aveeno. If the sunburn involves a large area, use the premeasured packets or add 1/2 cup of Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment, made from oatmeal, to a tub of cool water, says Dr. Schreiber. Soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Aveeno is a well-known remedy for itching.
Baking soda. Generously sprinkle baking soda into tepid bathwater, suggests Dr. Haberman. Instead of toweling off, let the solution dry on your skin. It is completely nontoxic, and it will soothe the pain.
4. Memorize these rules
While the memory of your burn is still painfully fresh, brush up on your sun sense with these tips from Norman Levine, M.D.
Apply a sunscreen about 30 minutes before going out, even if it's overcast. (Harmful rays can penetrate cloud cover.) Don't forget to protect your lips, hands, ears, and the back of your neck. Reapply as necessary after swimming or perspiring heavily.
Pick a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) between 15 and 30.
Sunscreens with SPF 15 protect against 94 percent of the sun's harmful rays, and those with SPF 30 protect against 97%. Also look for the ingredients zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or avobenzone in your sunscreen. These block both ultraviolet A and B rays.
Take extra care between the hours of 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM (11:00 a.m. and 4:00 PM, daylight saving time), when the sun is at its strongest.
Wear protective clothing when not swimming. Hats, tightly woven fabrics, and long sleeves help keep the sun off your skin.
5. Moisturize
You've really damaged your skin. It's time to slather on lotion and begin repairs.
Soaks and compresses feel good and give temporary relief, says Rodney Basler, MD. But they can make your skin feel drier than before if you don't apply moisturizing skin care immediately afterward. Pat yourself dry, then smooth on some bath oil. Let it soak in for a minute, then apply a moisturizing cream or lotion, such as Eucerin.
SMART TIP: Chill your moisturizer in the fridge for added relief.
6. Shop for the right skin care
Filter all the choices at the drugstore by looking for these key healers.
Relieve with hydrocortisone: Soothe skin irritation and inflammation with a topical lotion, spray, or ointment containing 1 percent hydrocortisone, such as Cortaid or Cortizone-10, says Dr. Basler.
Soothe with aloe: "We're starting to see evidence in medical literature that aloe vera may really help wound healing," says Dr. Basler. Simply break off a leaf and apply the juice. But test a small area first, he cautions, to make sure you're not allergic to aloe.
Guard against infection: If you have an infection or are worried that one will develop, use an over-the-counter antibacterial ointment such as Polysporin or Neosporin, says Dr. Schreiber.
Numb with an anesthetic: If your burn is mild, an over-the-counter anesthetic can relieve pain and itching, says Dr. Gossel. Look for brands that contain benzocaine, benzyl alcohol, lidocaine, or diphenhydramine hydrochloride. Aerosols are easier to apply than creams or ointments, but never spray them directly onto your face. Instead, put some on a piece of gauze or a cotton pad and pat it on your face to avoid contact with your eyes.
7. Go to the freezer
Sunburns hurt! Follow your urge to reach for something cold, just make sure to do it right.
An ice pack can also provide relief if the burn is mild. Wrap it in a damp cloth and hold it over the sunburn. Improvise, if necessary, says Dr. Haberman. "You could even take a bag of frozen peas, for instance, and use that. But make sure to wrap it first so that you're not placing the icy package directly against your skin."
8. Eat and drink!
Put the right stuff in your body to aid your skin-saving efforts.
It's a good idea to drink lots of water to help counteract the drying effects of a sunburn, says Dr. Gossel. The water in fruit counts, too. One large wedge of watermelon provides 9 ounces—more than 1 full cup—of water. (It's also an excellent source of cancer-fighting lycopene.) Other fruit standouts: 1 c diced honeydew (5.4 ounces of water); 1 c sliced beets (5.2 ounces of water); 1 c cubed cantaloupe (5.1 ounces of water). Eat lightly but wisely, Dr. Gossel adds. A balanced diet helps provide the nutrients your skin needs to regenerate.
9. Take it easy
Put the right stuff in your body to aid your skin-saving efforts.
Sleeping on a sunburn can be challenging, but you need rest for your body to recover. Try sprinkling talcum powder on your sheets to minimize chafing and friction, says Dr. Haberman. An air mattress might also help you sleep more easily.
SMART TIP: If your legs are burned and your feet are swollen, elevate your legs above heart level to help stop the swelling, says Dr. Basler.
10. Beware of blisters
A sign of severe damage, blisters must be treated with care.
If blisters develop, you have a pretty bad burn. If they bother you and they cover only a small area, you may carefully drain them, says Dr. Basler. But do not peel the top skin off; you'll have less discomfort and danger of infection if air does not come in contact with sensitive nerve endings. To drain the fluid, first sterilize a needle by holding it over a flame. Then puncture the edge of the blister and press gently on the top to let the fluid come out. Do this three times in the first 24 hours, says Dr. Basler. Then leave the blisters alone.
11. Question your medications
Find out if you're photosensitive. We're not asking if you like to have your picture taken.
The question is whether certain drugs increase your sensitivity to the sun and lead to a burnlike dermatitis. Antibiotics, tranquilizers, and antifungal medications can cause reactions, says Dr. Basler. So can oral contraceptives, diuretics, drugs for diabetes, and even PABA-containing sunscreens. Always ask your doctor about potential side effects of any drugs you may be taking. Even common foods can trigger a bad reaction. "Two young women I know tried to lighten their hair with lime juice," he says. "They didn't realize what a potent photosensitizer lime juice can be until they developed terrible dermatitis every place the juice had run down their faces and arms."
12. Wise up
Don't make the same mistake twice.
After you've gotten burned, it takes 3 to 6 months for your skin to return to normal, says Dr. Schreiber. "When you get a sunburn and the top layer of skin peels off, the newly exposed skin is more sensitive than ever. That means you'll burn even faster than you did before if you're not careful." Be sensitive about your sun exposure and protect yourself with sunscreen, hats, and clothing.
SMART TIP: You can still get UV rays through windows, so apply sun block even when you’re not planning activities outside.
**When to call the doctor**
Some burns are simply too severe to be treated at the drugstore.
A severe burn can take a lot out of you, says Dr. Basler. Consult a doctor if you experience nausea, chills, fever, faintness, extensive blistering, general weakness, patches of purple discoloration, or intense itching. Be aware that if the burn seems to be spreading, you could have an infection compounding the problem.
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(And free from chemicals that poison the body)
1/2 litre of alcohol
100 gram of whole cloves
100 ml of baby oil or similar (almond, sesame, chamomile, lavender, fennel etc)
Leave cloves to marinate in alcohol four days
Stir every morning and evening
After 4 days add the oil
It's now ready to use.
How to use:
Gently rub a few drops into the skin of the arms and legs.
Observe the mosquitoes fleeing the room.
Repels fleas on pets too.
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This could be you too!

This could be you too!


21 Mom and baby-friendly uses for coconut oil:
1. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, a powerful anti-microbial fatty acid that protects the immune system of the fetus and newborn. Expectant mothers can ingest a couple spoonfuls a day to boost their immune function.
2. Add several tablespoons to bathwater for added moisturizing to your skin. A few drops of lavender essential oil will also make the bathwater soothing and relaxing.
3. Rub the oil onto your skin to prevent stretchmarks and itchy skin associated with a growing baby belly.
4. Take a spoonful to help with heartburn, acid reflux or indigestion.
5. Mix with a drop of lavender oil to soothe pregnancy-induced hemorrhoids.
6. Virgin coconut oil balances blood sugar and controls diabetes and helps keep morning sickness at bay.
7. Mix it into your favorite pregnancy herbal tea, such as red raspberry leaf tea.
8. When applied to the perineum in the weeks leading up to labor, it can help reduce tearing and the need for an episiotomy during the birth.
9. During those first few newborn diaper changes, coconut oil will help remove the sticky meconium from baby’s bottom.
10. Coconut oil is the perfect carrier oil to remove baby’s stubborn cradle cap.
11. Nursing mothers can use it on their nipples, which can become cracked and painful during breastfeeding.
12. Consuming coconut oil can increase your milk flow.
13. Rub the oil on your baby’s diaper rash–it’s especially good for a yeast infection rash.
14. Add the oil to your homemade infant formula.
15. When baby is sick, make your own homemade vapor rub.
16. Need a pick me up after the hard work of taking care of baby? Eat a spoonful for a boost of natural energy.
17. Coconut oil taken both internally and topically can help treat the yeast that causes both thrush and candida. A little oil dabbed inside the baby’s mouth, as well as mom eating it and applying it to her nipples before breastfeeding is very effective.
18. Take coconut oil to reduce or eliminate headaches and migraines.
19. If you or your baby have eczema, rub coconut oil on your skin to soothe it.
20. Take a spoonful of coconut oil 20 minutes before a meal to help curb your hunger.
21. Coconut oil makes a great hair conditioner that can tame that weird dry/falling out stage your hair goes through after pregnancy.
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor or holistic practitioner, I just play one on TV. Please use all tips at your own risk. lol
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Recharge Your Towels

Great for all the pool towels this summer!
Over time, towels build up detergent and fabric softener, leaving them unable to absorb as much water and smelling funky. Recharge them by washing them once with hot water and one cup vinegar, then a second time with hot water and half cup baking soda. This strips the residue and leaves them fresh and able to absorb more water again. Works like a charm!
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Amy Oxford-Skinny Fiber Testimonies

Amy Oxford: "I've never been able to wear skinny jeans before!!! Such a great day!
Love that she feels better about herself!!!

Laurie Shoppa Cook-Skinny Fiber Testimonies

Laurie Shoppa Cook posted this today!
"Here is my measurements 1 year just thought I would share I really don't weigh or measure lol"
Get your Skinny Fiber today and get great results!!! Money back guarantee!!!

Overnight Oats

Here's a recipe for a quick, healthy and super satisfying breakfast (Not to mention, it tastes so good!)
Overnight Oats
* 1/2 cup Rolled or Quick Oats
* 2/3 cup Coconut Milk (can use Almond, Soy, etc)
* 1/2 cup plain (or Vanilla) Greek yogurt
The night before you plan on eating, mix ingredients together and put in a mason jar or airtight container and stick in the fridge. The next morning, remove from fridge and eat! I add flax seeds, fresh bananas, peaches and whatever berries I have on hand. Get creative and go for it- add some raw honey, coconut flakes, raw cacao nibs, coconut peanut butter, chia seeds, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, cocoa, Nutella, etc...Then enjoy!!
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So for those of you that work, have busy lives, busy kids or busy school schedules,
Make the Recipe in Water Bottles…….Place In the Refrigerator and Just Take 2 or 3 Out to take with you, if you know you won’t be home for long periods of time!!!
The longer it sits, the better it tastes. You can eat them as well but they are intended as flavoring and still work, so that is a personal choice. The Vitamin C turns fat into fuel, the tangerine increases your sensitivity to insulin, and the cucumber makes you feel full. Try it for 10 days and see what you think!
Ingredients per 8 oz serving
2 slice grapefruit
1 tangerine
½ cucumber, sliced
2 peppermint leaves
Ice – as much as you like
Wash grapefruit, tangerine cucumber and peppermint leaves. Slice cucumber, grapefruit and tangerine (or peel). Combine all ingredients (fruits, vegetables, 8 oz water) into water bottles.
Close Cap Tightly, Shake, Put In The Fridge Over Night, Take Out a Few Bottles for the Next Day & Enjoy!
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1. Clear dirt off PCs and electronics
Your computer, printer, fax machine, and other home office gear will work better if you keep them clean and dust-free. Turn off your machine and wash with a mix of equal parts white vinegar and water. Wash with a cloth, not a spray bottle. You can use cotton swabs for tight spaces.
2. Get rid of smoke odor
If you’ve recently burned a steak or can’t get rid of that cigarette smell, remove the lingering smoky odor by placing a shallow bowl about three-quarters full of white or cider vinegar in the room where the scent is strongest. To get the smell out of the air, moisten a cloth and wave it in the air.
3. Wipe away mildew
Use undiluted vinegar to wipe away heavy mildew stains. Mix it with water to clean light mildew stains. You can even use a vinegar mist in a spray bottle to prevent mildew stains from forming in rugs and carpets.
4. Clean chrome and stainless steel
To clean chrome and stainless steel fixtures around your home, apply a light misting of undiluted white vinegar from a recycled spray bottle. Buff with a soft cloth to bring out the brightness.
5. Unglue stickers, decals, and price tags
Don’t you hate when you peel a sticker off of your new furniture or product and it’s still sticky from the glue? Worry no more! Use full-strength white vinegar and gently scrape it off the product. Use an expired credit card to scrape. You can also uses this solution to get glue off of glass, plastic and walls.
6. Brighten up brickwork
Have dingy bricks around your fireplace? Use 1 cup of white vinegar mixed with 1 gallon of warm water to scrub the area. Your bricks will be looking shiny and nice!
7. Revitalize wood paneling
You can also use vinegar to shine up your dull wood paneling. Mix 1 pint warm water with 4 tablespoons white or apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Let the mixture soak for a few minutes and then polish.
8. Remove carpet stains
You can lift out many stains from your carpet with vinegar:
For light stains, mix 2 tablespoons salt with ½ cup white vinegar. Rub into the stain, let try and vacuum.
For tough, ground-in dirt and other stains, make a paste of 1 tablespoon vinegar with 1 tablespoon cornstarch, and rub it into the stain using a dry cloth. Let it set for two days, then vacuum.
9. Keep car windows frost-free
Vinegar is a great way to keep frost from forming on your car windows. Spray the outside of your windows with a mixture of 3 parts white vinegar to 1 part water.
10. Refresh your refrigerator
Have you ever smelled a refrigerator that hasn’t been used for a long time? It’s gross! You can freshen up your fridge with a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. You can use the solution to wash the interior and exterior of the fridge.
11. Steam-clean your microwave
Fill a bowl with 1 cup water and ¼ cup vinegar. Set the bowl in the microwave and cook on high for 5 minutes. Once the bowl cools down, use the solution to wipe off the walls of the microwave.
12. Disinfect cutting boards
Use full-strength white vinegar to clean wood cutting boards or butcher block countertops. This is a great alternative to dishwasher detergent because it can weaken surfaces and wood fiber. It disinfects against E.coli, salmonellsa and staphylococcus.
13. Clean china, crystal, and glassware
Have soap spots and dingy spots on your dishes after you put them in the dishwasher? Simply add a few ounces of vinegar to your dishwasher. It will prevent those hard-water stains from showing up.
14. Trap fruit flies
Did you bring home fruit flies from the market? You can make traps for them that can be used anywhere around your house by filling an old jar about halfway with apple cider vinegar. Punch a few holes in the lid, screw it back on, and you’re good to go.
15. Tenderize and purify meats and seafood
Soaking a lean or inexpensive cut of red meat in a couple of cups of vinegar breaks down tough fibers to make it more tender. You can also use vinegar to tenderize seafood steaks. Let the meat or fish soak in full-strength vinegar overnight.
16. Control your dandruff
Can’t wear those black shirts because your dandruff will show? Vinegar to the rescue! After shampooing, rinse your hair with a mixture of 2 cups apple cider vinegar and 2 cups cold water.
17. Ease sunburn and itching
Gently rub a sunburn or rash with cotton balls or a soft cloth soaked with white or cider vinegar. Try to apply this before the sunburn begins to sting. You can use this to help treat insect bites or rashes from poison ivy or poison oak.
18. Clean your eyeglasses
When it’s more difficult to see with your glasses on than it is with them off, it’s a clear indication that they’re in need of a good cleaning. Applying a few drops of white vinegar to your glass lenses and wiping them with a soft cloth will easily remove dirt, sweat, and fingerprints, and leave them spotless. Don’t use vinegar on plastic lenses, however
19. Stop reds from running
Unless you have a fondness for pink-tinted clothing, take one simple precaution to prevent red washable clothes from ruining your wash loads. Soak your new clothes in a few cups of undiluted white vinegar for 10-15 minutes before their first washing. You’ll never have to worry about running colors again! This also works with other bright colors that you worry might run.
20. Speed germination of flower seed
You can get woody seeds, such as moonflower, passionflower, morning glory, and gourds, off to a healthier start by lightly rubbing them between a couple of sheets of fine sandpaper-and soaking them overnight in a solution of 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar and 1 pint warm water. Next morning, remove the seeds from the solution, rinse them off, and plant them.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Strawberry Margarita Salad

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Strawberry Margarita Salad (Sooooo good)
8 oz container of strawberries, hulled and sliced (reserve a few slices for a garnish)
1 small can mandarin oranges, drained...
1 small can crushed pineapple
large tub of Cool Whip, thawed
1 packet Crystal Light Margarita flavored Drink Mix powder
1 small pkg. Instant vanilla pudding
In a medium mixing bowl, mix together cool whip, pudding mix and drink mix. Add mandarin oranges, pineapple and the strawberries. Mix well. Top with reserved strawberry slices.
Keep refrigerated until served.
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

This is the beautiful Kim:

This is the beautiful Kim:
"I remember going to the doctor and when I stepped on the scale I just about died at the number I saw... I have NEVER weighed that much in my lifetime... So after that doctor appointment I decided I was going to diet... Yes, that word... "Diet"... I cut back on what I ate... I was hungry ALL OF THE TIME during this phase... In a couple months I had lost about 7 pounds... Not much for having been hungry all of the time... Then guess what... It started creeping back on... So, I started again... I succeeded in losing about 12 pounds, total... And yes... I was hungry all of the time... I felt like I was missing some of my favorite foods...
And guess what happened when the contest was over... Yep, you guessed it... I started putting weight back on again... And do you know what happens when pounds start creeping back? They bring FRIENDS... Mind you, during this whole time I had been following posts about Skinny Fiber... I had asked questions... I thought about trying it and never did... Finally, one night my husband and I decided that we were going to give a go... Once we got our Skinny Fiber we started taking it immediately... and we didn't do much of anything else but cut out calorie filled beverages and switched up to drinking more water... but guess what?
I wasn't hungry all of the time... I found I was eating less... I could feel my clothes getting more loose and loose... So here I am today... much lighter than that doctor’s visit last time and many inches smaller overall... and you know what I say to myself all of the time? Why didn't I just start Skinny Fiber when I saw it first... My doctor has noticed the "shrinking me" and I told her about Skinny Fiber and even gave her a list of ingredients... She gave me the A-Okay to continue and even jotted down the ingredients to research for her own self...
I feel healthier, my skin is clearer, I no longer suffer joint pain and inflammation on a daily basis, NOT A MIGRAINE SINCE STARTING... Since this is an All-natural product I have had NO side effects... No jitters or sick feeling... and guess what else? I don't count calories, points, do wraps, drink shakes, and all of the craziness involved in a "diet" program... I simply eat the foods I love, just less of them... and I make a concerted effort to drink water, water and more water...I don’t weigh myself any longer, but I still have a few more inches to lose... but I want to retain that curvy womanly body that my husband loves..."
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Mothers always know!

had to share!!!! Mothers always know!
Mom visits her son for dinner who lives with a girl roommate.
During the course of the meal, his mother couldn't help but notice how pretty his roommate was.She had long been suspicious of a
relationship between the two, and this had only made her more curious....
Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between him and
his roommate than met the eye.
Reading his mom's thoughts, his son volunteered,
“I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you,we are just
About a week later, his roommate came to him saying,
“Ever since your mother came to dinner, I've been unable to find the silver plate. You don't suppose she took it, do you?"
He said ,"Well, I doubt it, but I'll email her, just
to be sure." He sat down and wrote :
Dear Mother:
I'm not saying that you ‘did' take the silver plate from my house, I'm not saying that you ‘did not' take the silver plate But the fact
remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner.
your son.
Several days later, he received an email from
his Mother which read:
Dear Son:
I'm not saying that you ‘do' sleep with your roommate, and
I'm not saying that you ‘do not' sleep with her.
But the fact remains that if she was sleeping in her OWN bed, she
would have found the silver plate by now, under her pillow…
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Monday, May 26, 2014

Oatmeal Cookies

Oh .. Oh... Oatmeal Cookies
SERIOUSLY THE BEST... Oatmeal Cookie I have ever made!!!!
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You will need:
1 stick of Butter Flavor Crisco
1 Cup of firmly packed dark brown sugar
1/2 cup of honey
1 large egg
1 1/2 tsps vanilla
1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour ( I use the organic pillsbury one)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3 cups of old fashioned oatmeal
1 cup of raisins
optional 1/2 cup of chopped pecans
What you do:
Heat oven to 350 ...
Spray your baking sheet with non-stick spray
Combine shortening, brown sugar, honey, egg and vanilla in a med bowl... beat at low speed until blended the increase to med speed.. till light and creamy
In another bowl combine flour, cinnamon, baking soda and salt...add gradually to the shortening mixture at low speed...increase to medium...beat until well blended..stir in oats, raisins and pecans.....
Drop by heaping tablespoons onto cookie sheet
Bake 10-13 min or until golden brown... cool 2 min.
If you want a smaller cookie drop by teaspoon full and bake 8-10 min
THESE ARE THE MOST MOIST oatmeal cookies OMG GOOD!!!!!!
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✿✿ Strawberry Lime Cinnamon Fat Flush Water ✿✿

We all love fat flushes!!! This one tastes amazing!! Kind of like apple pie.
✿✿ Strawberry Lime Cinnamon Fat Flush Water ✿✿
5 sliced strawberries
1 lime, sliced
1/2 tsp cinnamon
4 cups water
Steep overnight to fuse ingredients. Enjoy!
*Note. I'm going to triple or quadruple this recipe to make a full pitcher! Really no rhyme or reason. you can estimate or "eyeball" the amount of ingredients you'll need!!! Drink 3-8 ounce glasses per day. Preferably before meals.
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So funny

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Flea Repellents

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Bacon Wrapped Sweet Potato Bites

Bacon Wrapped Sweet Potato Bites
2 medium Sweet Potato sliced into chunks approx 1-2 inches.
1 lb Bacon
Olive oil to drizzle
Chili Powder to taste
Toothpicks (soaked in water)
This recipe is fairly simple and yet soo good!!!
Pre heat oven to 400°
Wrap each sweet potato with half a slice of bacon and secure with tooth pick
Place on lined cookie sheet (rimmed) drizzle with olive oil and season to your taste with Chili powder.
Bake for 10 minutes and turn over and sprinkle other side with chili powder if you chose (optional)
Bake other side for another 10 minutes.. Drain on Paper towels.
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Skinny Fiber

Every day, 800-900 people in our country DIE from obesity. Our food is nutritionally bankrupt. Processed food is garbage and becomes toxic in our bodies, causing all kinds of health issues.
100% All Natural Skinny Fiber helps remove the toxins from all the processed foods we've eaten. It not only helps you lose weight, it also cleans your body and gets it using nutrients from your food better, healing your body from the inside out so the pounds and inches can begin to come off...and stay off!!
You take a shower every day to clean the outside of your body! Now get yourself some Skinny Fiber to make your insides clean and shiny too!
Are you ready to change your life? Get your Skinny on! 100% natural! NO crazy wraps! NO boring shakes! NO fake food! NO hormones!! NO chemicals!! NO KIDDING!! 30 Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!!
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This will change your thinking

It will take just 60 seconds to read this and change your thinking..
Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room.
One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs.
His bed was next to the room's only window.
The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.
The men talked for hours on end.
They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on
Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.
The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.
The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake.Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color
and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.
As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene.
One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by.
Although the other man could not hear the band -he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with
descriptive words.
Days, weeks and months passed.One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body
of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep.
She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.
As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window.The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left
him alone.
Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window besides the bed.
It faced a blank wall.
The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this
The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.
She said, 'Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.'
There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations.Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy.
'Today is a gift, that is why it is called The Present .'
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